Stunning Event Decor - Step into the Pharaohs & Pyramids Era

Step back in time and immerse yourself in the era of pharaohs and pyramids. We specialize in event decor, designing and producing immersive experiences that transport guests into a different world. The main entry and lobby are meticulously crafted to create an awe-inspiring atmosphere, complete with 27 Anubis sculptures.

Mold and Cast:

A prototype was carefully sculpted, a mold built. Finally 27 Anubis were casted, painted in two colours and finished in metallic gold. With attention to detail and commitment to quality, we ensured that every aspect of the event captured the essence of the era of pharaohs and pyramids.

Event Decor Features:

Experiential expo design and production. Main entry and lobby with 27 Anubis sculptures. Anubis prototype and mold production. Metallic gold finish on sculptures.


Transport guests to ancient Egypt for a truly immersive experience. Create a visually stunning and memorable event. Attention to detail and commitment to quality ensure a high-quality production. Capture the essence of the era of pharaohs and pyramids.

Event decor production - casting Anubis sculptures into the mold.

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